Scouting's National Honor Society
Order of the Arrow, Ammatdiio Lodge

2023 Annual Lodge Report
The Lodge is in a solid fiscal and logistical position, with a positive outlook for membership stability as it solidifies traditions with a base of youth participation and adult advisors. 2023 was the third full year cycle of events and activities for the lodge. To promote the active participation of Order of the Arrow members in Scout units, chapter, and lodge activities, the “Bobcat Trail” recognition program was continued in 2023. 18% of the dues paid membership received this recognition in 2023.

Membership and Cheerful Service
Lodge membership was stable in 2023. The lodge ended the year with 865 dues-paid members. We remain focused on electing and inducting new members and retaining as many of the current membership as possible.
Lodge members contributed over 7,000 hours (about 9 and a half months if one person was completing the service alone) of service to the council, camps, and districts. This number reflects only the recorded hours and does not include the thousands of hours contributed to the council, camps, districts, and units, but it is not recorded.

2023 continued the tradition for inductions in the Lodge, with 181 Ordeal candidates being inducted! This number exceeded the 2022 number by 12. Inductions were held at Camp Maple Dell (Payson, Utah), Camp Tifie (Mt. Pleasant, Utah), and Camp Hunt (Garden City, Utah). The Camp Hunt Ordeal teamed up with the council program team to support Bike the Bear, in which 72 of the 181 candidates were inducted.
Lodge Leadership Development (LLD)
Held at Camp Tracy in April 2023, 177 members participated in various activities and training courses. Classes were taught by a combination of youth leaders and adult advisers. A Brotherhood ceremony was held at LLD, where 27 Order of the Arrow members became Brotherhood members.
Lodge Banquet
The Lodge Banquet, held on the same weekend as LLD at Camp Tracy, was attended by 213 Lodge members. In addition to a catered dinner, the council presented two James E West fellowship awards. The lodge presented three Founder’s Awards to deserving members and introduced the following Lodge awards: Harry Yoder, Mew-ukah, Uncas, Arrowfinder, and Torchbearer.
Ash Koo Taa
The Lodge hosted a 3-day program called Ash Koo Taa (interpreted as big camp). This was the first year the lodge held this activity, with 78 participants. The program helps to deepen the understanding of what it means to be a member of the Order of the Arrow and seeks to impress upon its participants the contributions of the Native American culture.
Vigil Reunion
The Lodge held its second Vigil Reunion at Camp Tracy with 84 attendees and 18 members keeping their Vigil.
Fall Fellowship
Camp Tifie is the perfect location for a fellowship event, where the Lodge hosted 187 members from every chapter of the lodge and over a full weekend. The number in attendance was 30 more than in 2022. It was at Fall Fellowship that the 2022-23 officer were recognized and thanked. Ken Jeppesen was also thanked for his service as Lodge Adviser. Finally, the 2023-24 officers were elected, including a new Lodge Chief.
2023-24 Lodge Leadership
Lodge Chief – Sam Gray
Lodge Vice-Chief – Kaden Ainscough
Lodge Vice-Chief – Trey Benoit
Lodge Vice-Chief – Isaac Brower
Lodge Vice-Chief – William Lambert
Lodge Vice-Chief – Staheli Taylor
Lodge Vice-Chief – Aaron Serr
Lodge Adviser – Michael Keller
Lodge Staff Adviser – Josh Haacke
Lodge Facts
The Lodge Chief is the only youth member of the Crossroads of the West Council Executive Board, a position that comes with the office and is immediate upon election.
32% of the 2023 council camp staff were also members of the Order of the Arrow.
100% of camp staff in the council had at least one Lodge member on its staff.
54% of candidates elected were inducted.
Brotherhood conversion was 41%, an increase of almost 11% over 2022.
Lodge members by chapter:
Timpanogos - 17% (144)
Silver Sage - 14% (129)
Oquirrh Mtns – 14% (125)
Wasatch Peaks – 11% (100)
Thurston Peak – 10% (91)
Old Ephraim – 8% (74)
Weber Rapids – 8% (68)
Jim Bridger – 7% (58)
Spanish Trails – 6% (49)
Band of Brotherhood – 2% (12)
Ammatdiio means: ‘Where Paths Cross.”
The totem of the Ammatdiio Lodge is the bobcat.